Sunday, October 3, 2010


So I look at my self in the mirror and with the utmost astonishment, realise with great reluctance that I'm the 'before' picture. The before picture where your love handles are spilling over your undies and your boobies are angling down toward the great gravitional pull of the earth. Your belly button is no longer cute and shallow, but is instead the model hole for planting spring bulbs. And for some reason I have the same bad hair as in every before picture.I slowly turn to the side and "gasp", it's worst than I thought. I can pick up my belly and see the big doughy fat that is now my mid section. I wiggle it and watch it jiggle.Why can't the fat just melt and run off when I do that? I know that when you heat fat, it melts. Won't wiggling and jiggling my belly fat produce the same result?You'd think that the same way the fat targets your belly area after cheese cake, donuts, chips, candy and every other edible fat factory delight, would reverse itself if you wiggle and jiggle our belly fat. BUT nooooooo, that would be too easy. My body just don't work that way.

You would think that by now I'd be accepting of my body that carried and supported five kids and breast fed each one of them. But I'm having a real hard time thinking that this is me. I still feel like I'm skinny. I don't feel fat or overweight. I just feel unsettled that I didn't do a better job at losing the weight after each baby.

So my before picture is me feeling sorry for myself. Pathetic, I know, whiny, I know!

So here is my before......

image removed to due to fear of being sued ......

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